If one of the riddles is answered incorrectly, the player is forced to either submit or to attack her. If the selected three riddles are answered correctly, the player can either enter the dungeon or have sex with her. The answer in bold is the correct answer to the riddle. Three of these twelve riddles are picked randomly and the player must answer the selected three riddles correctly to beat her game. Cold Fury perk is adjusted so it halves your defense. The code is also updated to be up to current standards, making it easier to port to CoC HTML. Dungeon bosses (Omnibus Overseer, Zetaz, Sand Witch, and Harpy Queen) also have 120 maximum lust. Once the child is born, the PC takes her to the Sand Witch Dungeon where they agree to take care of her, begrudgingly at first but it doesn't take long before they're. Sand Witch Daughters - A Cum Witch can impregnate a PC who has a vagina with a Sand Witch daughter. Sleeping Sand Witch Mothers - Found in the Nursery in the Sand Witch's Dungeon. Various sex scenes are available for winning or losing her riddle game.

Sanura is the Sphinx who guards the entrance to the Sand Witch's Dungeon.