This will link your PS4 consoles and your friend will then be able to see your screen. You can then send a Share Play invite to friend you want to share with – they just need to accept. Next, load up the game you're wanting to play, press the 'Share' button on your DualShock 4 PS4 controller and select 'Start Share Play'.

To start Share Play, go to your PSN friends list on your PS4 console, choose the friend you wish to game share with (they need to be online) and start a party chat.

Also, make sure you and the friend you want to Share Play with are friends on PSN. Sony also recommends a minimum upload speed of 2Mbps. This method requires both you and the other player to have PS4 running system software 2.0 or higher. Sony's Share Play feature allows you to hand over control of the game you're playing to a friend, while you watch them play.

If you don't like the idea of giving your friends or family members full access to your PS4 game library, or you simply don't have access to their PS4 console, then Share Play is perhaps a safer method to game share on PS4.